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A hidden gem: Neer garh waterfall Everything you need to know 2024?

Neer Garh Waterfall

A peaceful haven from the busy city life is Neer garh Waterfall, also known as Neer Gaddu Waterfall, which is hidden away among the beautiful surroundings of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

This beautiful waterfall, which provides guests with a close-up connection with nature, is a well-kept secret. Its sparkling pure rivers falling down rough rocky slopes produce an amazing scenery that raises the spirit and attracts the senses.

We will examine the beauty of Neer Waterfall, its accessibility, the ideal times to visit, and what to plan for on your journey in this blog post.

Neer Garh Waterfall

Neer Waterfall consists of three levels of falls, each providing an alternative view and experience. At a height of about twenty-five feet, the water falls down, producing a calming sound that combines with the sound of rustling leaves and bird noise.

The area is made even more fascinating and calm by the thick woodlands that surrounding the falls. Neer Garh Waterfall is the ideal getaway for people looking for quiet and peace and quiet. It’s an adventure to get to the waterfall itself.

You go down a narrow, rotating trail that winds through little streams and green areas, and the clean mountain air wakes your senses. Due to its moderate difficulty, the hike is right for both inexperienced hikers and seasoned campers.

How to Reach Neer Garh waterfall rishikesh

Neer Waterfall located around 9 km from the famous town of Rishikesh, which is well-known for its spiritual atmosphere and yoga retreats. Here’s a thorough explanation of how to get to Neer Waterfall:

  1. By Air: About 35 kilometers from Rishikesh, in Dehradun, is located the closest airport, Jolly Grant Airport. You can take a bus or hire a taxi to get to Rishikesh from the airport.
  2. By Train: Haridwar Junction, which is around 25 kilometers from Rishikesh, is the nearest train station. To go to Rishikesh from Haridwar, take a local bus or a taxi.
  3. By Road: Rishikesh is well-connected by road to major cities in North India. You can drive or take a bus from Delhi, which is about 240 kilometers away.

Once in Rishikesh, you can take an autorickshaw or taxi to the well-known landmark, Laxman Jhula. Neer Waterfall is around 3 km distant from Laxman Jhula.

Best time to visit Neer Garh Waterfall?

Because to the a lot of rainfall, Neer Waterfall is at its most beautiful from July to September, which is monsoon season. October through November, the post-monsoon season, is also great because of the warm weather and lush, green surroundings.

With its own appeal and cooler temperatures, winter (December to February) makes for a more comfortable travel. But, as the heat might be severe and the water flow may be decreased, it is best to avoid going from March to June during the summer.

Things to do at Neer Garh Waterfall

Trekking Adventure: Trekking to Neer Waterfall is a thrilling adventure that provides beautiful scenery and an opportunity to connect with nature. Although the trail is well-marked, it can be steep and rocky in certain areas, so it’s important to wear supportive shoes.

Swimming and Relaxation: The waterfall creates natural pools that are ideal for a cool swim. It is really attractive to swim in the clear, refreshing water, especially after a hike. Additionally, there are a few flat rocks where you can unwind and take in the beauty of the surrounds.

Photography Opportunities: There are lots of photo options at Neer Waterfall because of its beautiful surroundings. There are lots of moments to photograph, whether it’s the beautiful views, the colorful vegetation, or the falling water.

Local Food and Culture: You may come across little stands or sellers selling regional snacks and drinks close to the waterfall. It’s a fantastic way to experience regional food and meet friendly locals.

How difficult is the trek to Neer Waterfall?

The Neer Waterfall walk is an a bit challenging one. There is a rough, narrow track that can get rather steep at points. Still, it’s possible for beginners with a basic level of fitness and offers beautiful scenery along the route.

Is there an entry fee for Neer Waterfall?

Yes, there is a small entry fee to access Neer Waterfall. The fee is used for the maintenance of the area. As of the latest updates, the entry fee is around INR 30-50 per person.

Can I visit Neer Waterfall with children?

Yes, you can visit Neer Waterfall with children, but it is important to keep an eye on them during the trek as the path can be slippery and rocky. Ensure they wear comfortable trekking shoes and stay hydrated.

What should I carry for the trek to Neer Waterfall?

For the trek to Neer Waterfall, it is advisable to carry a small backpack with essentials such as water, snacks, a first aid kit, sunscreen, and a camera. Wearing comfortable trekking shoes and suitable clothing is also important.


A little-known beauty that provides an ideal vacation into the beauty of nature is Neer Waterfall. It is a must-visit for anyone visiting Rishikesh because of its unique combination of adventure, peace, and beautiful scenery. Neer Waterfall has lots to offer everyone, whether they are adventure seekers, nature lovers, or people looking for calm. Prepare for an amazing adventure to this beautiful waterfall by packing your baggage and putting on your hiking shoes.


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