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waterfalls near kanyakumari

Top 6 Best waterfalls near kanyakumari

The southern most point of India, Kanyakumari, is well known for its unique natural beauty, which includes beautiful waterfalls. Located among green forest and a difficult landscapes, these cascades provide peaceful havens and beautiful spots ideal for those who enjoy the outdoors. Every location offers a different experience, from the well-known Thirparappu and Courtallam Falls to… Read More »Top 6 Best waterfalls near kanyakumari

places to visit in kanyakumari in one day

Top 12 best places to visit in kanyakumari in one day

Discover the amazing beauty of Kanyakumari, a mesmerising location where the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Indian Ocean meet. Begin your tour the best places to visit in kanyakumari in one day are renowned Vivekananda Rock Memorial, which offers panoramic views of the wide marine horizon. Admire the majesty of the Thiruvalluvar Statue, which… Read More »Top 12 best places to visit in kanyakumari in one day